Model Ajak Deng


As soon as you’re in Ajak Deng’s presence, you’re struck by two things: her warmth and her positivity. Both radiate from her so strongly that it feels impossible to leave the conversation feeling anything but hopeful and excited about life. But, considering her global fanbase, this is no news to us. It is, however, very refreshing.

Given our shared love of Australia (Ajak is Australian-Sudanese) we wanted to share a moment to speak about what life looks like away from the camera. So, between her flourishing modelling career and summer must-have packing lists, we catch up on what a moment in Hush looks like for Ajak.  

At Hush, we believe in taking a moment to be intentionally present and experience life. We also believe that moments of Hush are unique to the individual; each has its own feeling, its own sense of place and smell. What does a moment in Hush feel like for you?

I love to take a moment. I go to the park by myself and listen to music; staring at the sky, clouds coming and going, staring at the wind blowing on the leaves, listening to the sound of birds.  

We love cloud watching. We’ve actually published a feature about an Instagram fan club called “Cloudier Schiffer”.

It’s great! Especially if I'm feeling down or lost.  I just watch the cloud come and then I project something onto it – a feeling or my anxiety – and I watch it go by and let that feeling go. Just let the wind take it away. My sisters think I’m crazy, but I’m sure other people do it in this world. It’s not just me. 

Our split heritage is a big part of our identity. Everything we do at Hush is inspired by our Aussie heart and London spirit. You’re Sudanese born and moved to Melbourne when you were 12 – do you find that your art is inspired by your experience of living in two different countries?  

I was born in South Sudan, but we left when I was quite little – like four or five – we moved all over Africa before settling in Melbourne. Culture wise, my Sudanese culture is quite strict. Girls aren’t suposed to move out of the house before they get married. You’re either handed off to a husband, or you stay at home. But, you know, I have things to do. I want to expand. It did affect my life at first, but the more I focused on me, what I want, and my surroundings, the better. I interpret it my own way, which is just just ‘do whatever you want, girl’. I can apply to be a doctor, I can study to be a doctor if I want to, I can join the military, I can do this. I can’t be bullied. If you bully me, then I'm going to stand up for myself. 

Well, we're glad you didn't conform, otherwise you wouldn't be here with us now.

It's also how you treat others. I treat people the way I want to be treated. If I see somebody's going through something, I’ll sit with them and the next minute they're opening up about what's going on in their life. So, I just make sure that I take it one step at a time. I also have siblings that are younger than me and I don't want to set a bad example for them. So, I make sure I keep it minimal, chill. If it’s too much, I just shut myself away with the clouds. 

A lot of people look up to you, as a role model because of what you've achieved. There have been a few complications in your modelling journey – at one point you left the industry altogether – are you glad to be back? Do you feel like it was good to have some time out and reflect?

Absolutely, I'm glad to be back. Back then, I quit out loud, but now I have learned how to be calm and collected. I just basically did what I wanted: packed up my house, rented it out, moved everything into storage and booked a flight back to Australia. I needed to be with my family. I'm happy to be back working here in Australia though, where people are more calm. You know, if I need a minute to sit down or I'm hungry or need water, I can take a break. I’m not a mannequin, I'm a human being and I need to eat. Those kinds of rules didn't really sit well with me. As long as I'm happy, I'm in good weather, and the people are cool. I just needed that moment to reset and come back to myself, to realise why I went into it in the first place. I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to leave a mark, I wanted young women to know that you can have a dream and your dreams can come true.

Ajak wears: 
Sophie Maxi Dress

Ajak wears: 
Skye Beach Shirt Dress
Sabrina Stripe Beach Trousers

But also, you get more confident when you get older, don't you. It's so hard when you're a young woman to feel the confidence to say what you really want, to be the role model that you actually really want to be. 

I think so. The older I get, the more I can say, ‘I'm not doing this’. I'm not going to force myself to work for those brands where I know I can't stand the people. You know, I'm just happy in my own space. I don't even go out clubbing or to bars anymore. I need that moment to just be alone. I've got more confidence, I’m just more comfortable in my own skin. 

What do you love about Australia? What's your favourite thing about Australia?

I love the people, first and foremost. I love the loyalty of the people. I love the weather. I don't break out, or get as many allergies as I do overseas. And the food? Get out of here. I could just eat all day. I’m also more used to it here. I know what kind of food to get, I know where to go when I need some time away, I know who to reach out to when I need help. And, when you're going through something, I love that it’s a caring society. I mean, if you don't have a job, you can get government support without any judgement. It’s loving and nurturing – I missed that. 

Do you ever spend time in London? 

Yes. It was a bit shocking! The first week I was there was in the middle of winter in 2020. So there was nobody to see, it was just me, and I didn't have a TV. It rained for two weeks straight. I had a bit of a hard time getting used to it, which is why I'm back here. 

Funnily enough that’s how our founder felt when she first moved to London, and so that’s how Hush was born. We can relate. What do you think makes Australian style distinctive? 

You don't have to wear Gucci or Chanel to look amazing – it’s more laid back and chill. 

What are your favourite pieces from our shoot today?

I love all of it, especially the baggy Abi jeans. I've been looking for them all over the world, something like boyfriend jeans that are long enough. But these jeans are wonderful. And I love the little playsuits. I love the dresses, I mean you can't go wrong with summer dresses because you can wear them to a family gathering or out to lunch or dinner with your friends.

What is your number one favourite thing to do in the summer? If you had like two hours and you could do anything you want. What are you going to do?

Absolutely nothing. I love doing nothing and I'm good at it! Just being relaxed and chilled. I love making my own juices in the summer as well, in little bottles. So yeah, as long as I have a fresh juice or I can stay at home with a gigantic watermelon and just eat it and relax, that’s all I need.